Associazione Nazionale Le Donne del Vino was officially presented during Vinitaly 1988: at that time, it consisted of twenty or so members, but they were soon joined by dozens of other leading women in the world of wine, progressing to a membership of over 1.000. The association’s aim was to promote an understanding and culture of wine thanks to the experience and knowledge of women involved in this mission in different but complementary sectors. Its transversal approach was a precursor of the subsequent evolution of the presence of women in the world of wine and today we can consider it as having been, to all intents and purposes, a highly innovative idea for its time.
To apply for admission to the association, it is necessary to have a professional background linked to the vineyard and wine cellar and, from there, to the table, so our members are winemakers, restaurateurs, sommeliers and oenologists. Journalists in the trade, working for the press or as bloggers, and women who oversee the communication and marketing activities of wineries are also eligible. The admission of this last category says a lot about the importance of communication in the perspective of the activities of Associazione Nazionale Le Donne del Vino.